Streaming Webinars!!

Saturday Q&A Webinars - streaming Blues Harmonica Webinars!!

Starting during the 2020 pandemic lockdown, I started hosting live online webinars every week for almost 2 years. Each Webinar was an in-depth study of a certain style of playing, different techniques, Blues Masters Study, and/or an inside look into the approach, style, influences, secrets, and stories with most of today's top professional players.

During the Technique webinars, I break down things clearly, demonstrate techniques, licks and sounds, and breakdown scales, patterns, songs and even sometimes include harmonica tab for specific passages.

During the Guest Artist webinars, I ask all the right and important questions to get inside knowledge, practice habits, influences, and a look into the mind and thoughts of many of today's top players. And, since I am also friends with most of these players, we have some fun and I get them to spill some secrets you will NOT hear anywhere else!

But Most Importantly, a big part of my teaching and webinars is about understanding the reason behind these things...understanding WHY certain techniques work or don't work...WHY one approach makes more sense than another...WHY practicing a specific way will help you actually learn correctly. The more you understand about the licks, techniques, approaches, styles, and how they all work, the more you will retain, the deeper you will learn, and the more it changes how you PLAY!


ALSO - one of the biggest advantages to my BadAss Harmonica Saturday Q&A Webinars is the ADDED MATERIALS! Every webinar also includes a full page of Notes & Resources, including an audio playlist, video playlist, recommended listening, and my FULL notes to go over the most important aspects of what to remember and practice!

You simply will not get this type of study plan ANYWHERE ELSE, and it helps you learn more, learn deeper, and actually internalize what you learn, if you take advantage of all of these resources.

ALL Webinar "purchases" are for 30-days access to the streaming webinar (most of them are close to 2 hours long, or more). The Notes & Resources will be separate and you will continue to have access to that page for future study and reference.

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